
A pediatric physiotherapist is a specialist with a diploma of higher medical education, who not only prescribes, but also selects the most effective course of procedures for the careful treatment of various diseases. The popularity of physiotherapy is not lost every year: scientific and practical conferences are held regularly, specialists can expand their work skills by attending special courses. Many parents note not only an improvement in the general condition, but also an increase in the protective properties of the child’s body, which is especially important during the period of temperature change. A pediatric physiotherapist will help in the psychological attitude of young patients to the procedures.

Using modern methods of treatment in the physiotherapy department, it is possible to conduct therapy for children of different ages, starting from 1 month.

Who selects and makes recommendations on the need for procedures?

  • Pediatrician;
  • A narrow specialist who diagnosed a certain deviation.

The physiotherapist directly selects the optimal course of treatment, makes appropriate appointments and conducts procedures.

Initially, the list of duties of this specialist included exclusively the restoration of musculoskeletal function, but over time the list expanded. Today, the physiotherapist advises, is responsible for the procedures, prescribes a massage for a restorative effect. At the same time, the physiotherapist should be a good psychologist to help the child overcome the fear of doctors and everything new, to help relax during the procedure.

Main directions for work

Modern and proven methods of treatment in the physiotherapy department are based on various active factors. Typically, for physiotherapy, the following are used:

  • electric current;
  • magnetic fields;
  • phototherapy;
  • ultrasound;
  • laser.

There is a list of installations that work on the basis of alternating the principle of heat and cold. When consulting during the reception, the physiotherapist will clarify that such a direction in medicine does not completely replace the medical or surgical approach, but performs other important functions, including:

  • helping the body after interventions;
  • enhancing the effect of the operation and the course of medication;
  • fast recovery;
  • strengthening of immune properties.

Also, a full course of properly selected therapy reduces the drug burden on a person at different ages.

How are the methods of treatment chosen in the physiotherapy department?

Initially, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, as well as examination, testing and testing to determine the nature and cause of the disease. Next, it is worth visiting a narrow specialist who will develop a suitable treatment, taking into account the degree of the disease, the age of the child, indications and contraindications, if any.

The physiotherapist, based on the results of analyzes and conclusions, will help to form a competent line of procedures, determine how many sessions need to be carried out, with what intensity. Also, the specialist determines at the end of all procedures whether a second course is needed, and if so, after what period of time.

Wide range of devices

The First Children’s Medical Center uses a wide range of devices for carrying out procedures that are distinguished by their reliability and good results when used. In the Department of Physiotherapy, it is possible to carry out both electrophoresis – a popular procedure that combines the principle of pharmacology and physics: penetration through the skin or mucosa under the influence of an electric current of a key medication, and ultrasound, laser therapy and others. There are inhalers, as well as magnetic installations that help in the fight against diseases of the joints. The physiotherapist will prepare the device for each procedure and will monitor the correctness of the work at all stages.

Physiotherapeutic procedures in the Center are safe, and show their effectiveness after the first sessions, but to achieve maximum effect, a complete completion of the course is required. Knowing how chemical, physical, biological processes take place, the specialist understands why a certain device is needed, correctly calculates the time of its use. Additionally, a physiotherapist can give recommendations on how to choose auxiliary methods for the recovery and treatment of the body, including at home.

Methods of treatment in the physiotherapy room are selected taking into account the age, possibility, complexity of the disease. In the Center, children can undergo complex procedures to cope with the problems:

  • respiratory system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous system, etc.

Stable indicators in increasing the immune properties of the body are also noted. All procedures are carried out under the full supervision of a physiotherapist, if necessary, also nurses. The equipment of modern world brands allows you to enhance the effect of each session, make it as effective and safe as possible. The comfortable atmosphere in the cabin sets you up for rest and relaxation.

Benefits of physiotherapy

The effect of the procedures is different, the doctors of the medical center “Panacea” select them taking into account the diagnosis, age, anamnesis of the patient.

Stimulation of lymphatic and circulatory systems. It is achieved by correcting the work of the lymphatic, cardiovascular system, improving blood counts.

Relief of pain, discomfort. Many procedures give a sedative, relaxing effect, stimulate the production of endorphins. This weakens the pain syndrome, improves overall well-being.

Activation of immunity. Almost all methods of physiotherapy increase the level of resistance. There are a number of techniques aimed at working only with the immune system.

Relaxation or stimulation of muscle tone. It is achieved in several ways, can be used for diseases of OPD, spasms, some diseases of internal organs.

Acceleration of metabolism. It involves the correction of metabolism due to a complex action.

Local treatment. A number of methods of physiotherapy are used to relieve edema and hematomas, inflammation, accelerate regeneration after injuries, for local anesthesia.

Correction of the work of individual organs and systems, including respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary and others.

Improvement of the state of the central nervous system. Physiotherapy can be used for general relaxation or increasing tone, activity, performance. It is effective for insomnia, stress, depression, other disorders, in solving neurological problems.

Acceleration of rehabilitation, improvement of its results. After the transferred diseases, injuries, physiotherapeutic effect stimulates tissue regeneration, normalizes the work of organs at the cellular level, activates compensatory capabilities, helps restore lost functions or replace them.

Increasing the effectiveness of treatment. A number of methods of exposure improve the results of drug therapy, increases the susceptibility of drugs. This allows you to reduce the dosage, thus reducing the load on the body. The analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory effect of the procedures makes it possible to refuse to prescribe certain drugs (analgesics, sedatives, etc.).

Types of physiotherapy

There are several classifications: methods of exposure are divided into natural and artificial, according to the purpose of treatment, according to the type of phenomenon or force that provides the desired effect.

The group of natural includes methods using natural factors: climate, air, solar heat. It can be balneo-, hydro-, peloidotherapy (compresses, wraps, baths, masks, a certain drinking regimen, etc.).

Artificial techniques – those for the use of which you need auxiliary equipment, devices, tools, etc. Medical centers in working with patients use them. Within this “group” there is a classification.

Electrotherapy. It is carried out under the influence of low- or high-frequency current. It is used for several physiotherapeutic techniques, including darsonvalization, electrophoresis, UHF and microwave, amplipulse therapy. Good results in the treatment of disorders of the central nervous system are given by EFT therapy, in which the pulsed current affects the parts of the brain. It is used for dementia, stress, depression, pain relief, as part of a treatment plan for severe chronic diseases, to normalize blood pressure, stimulate regeneration or the immune system. As part of rehabilitation or health programs, electrosleep (local exposure to pulsed low-frequency current) can be used. Even one procedure reduces pain, provides relaxation, helps to improve blood circulation.

Phototherapy. This can be irradiation with ultraviolet, infrared or visible light. It corrects metabolic processes, accelerates tissue regeneration, improves overall well-being. Among these methods, VLOK stands out. This is intravenous laser irradiation, due to which biochemical blood parameters are corrected. The procedure accelerates the transfer of nutrients and oxygen by erythrocytes, normalizes the condition of platelets, activates leukocytes. The immune system works better due to this. The course of VLOK helps to quickly remove toxins, normalize blood pressure, the state of the cardiovascular system.

Physical impact. This can be treatment with ultrasound or vibration, but more often massage, manual therapy, exercise therapy are used. This group includes acupuncture, in which needles are inserted at certain points on the body, which irritates them, provokes the necessary reaction. This may be a change in the level of hormones, correction of biochemical processes, the work of the central nervous system, local removal of inflammation. Acupuncture improves well-being, promotes recovery, is used in rehabilitation, in the treatment of a number of diseases.

Separate groups include methods that use heat (paraffin therapy, ozokerite therapy), water (baths, contrast showers, dousing), etc. Methods are often combined, conducting different courses of procedures in the same period or affecting the body in several ways at once. Physiotherapy is used in conjunction with pharmacological treatment. This may be electro- or ultraphonophoresis, in which the drug is delivered to the tissues under the action of a current. Another option is the simultaneous appointment of drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures.

By Faisal

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